The Donald J. Trump Presidential Library (not published in the Alaska Bar Rag)

The Donald J. Trump Presidential Library (not published in the Alaska Bar Rag)

Welcome to Florida. We trust that you will enjoy your visit to this monument to the history of the 45th ...
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Notes from ground zero in Eagle River

Friday, NOV 30, 2018 at 8:29 AM--I am lying in bed, awake, in my apartment in Eagle River. I moved into ...
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TSA Abuse

            Sunday–I have volunteered to accompany my friend Louise, as she travels to Portland for major surgery. I plan to pay the ...
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The Brits are confronting health care too

      After spending six weeks visiting my Auntie Ruth, age 88, and younger cousins in the Southwest of England, I am ...
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Pitfalls may plague a disability claim

      Imagine a government program that provides benefits of great value. Imagine that all citizens have a right to receive these ...
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I am not a crank

I am not a crank. I know this after reading IDIOT AMERICA: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of ...
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Writing to the Pope was a blessed experience

            First of all, I am not Catholic. I am a religious nut Pentecostal. My father was Catholic until he married ...
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A river with snow on the side of it

You might need help with mentally ill

      If your client is mentally ill, and poses a threat to himself or others, what are your options? What can you ...
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